
MIGASA is committed to self-consumption and entrusts POWEN with the photovoltaic installation of its plant in Córdoba

News | 12-11-2021

With this photovoltaic installation of 3,600 m2 and 1,780 modules, MIGASA will avoid the emission of more than 8,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere in the following 25 years.
The installation represents an improvement in the energy efficiency of its factory in Alcolea (Córdoba) and a further step in the Andalusian company’s commitment to sustainable development. Córdoba, July 19, 2022. MIGASA continues its commitment to environmental sustainability at its factory in Alcolea, Córdoba, which from now on will be more efficient and will significantly reduce its carbon footprint thanks to its new photovoltaic installation carried out by the power company.
The Andalusian agri-food group, which has become the main exporter of olive oil in Spain, continues to expand its strategy and commitment to sustainability in this way. Last year, MIGASA was the first oil company in the country to acquire the “Zero to Landfill” certificate, which distinguishes companies committed to sustainability and the circular economy, complying with the objective of ensuring zero waste to landfill, converting the waste of this production center in Alcolea (Córdoba) in reusable raw materials.

POWEN, a company specialized in self-consumption of energy through photovoltaic solar installations, has been in charge of installing the MIGASA self-consumption photovoltaic solar plant.

In this way, with an installed power of 800 kWp, the 1,780 modules of the installation will make it possible to achieve a percentage of self-consumption of 59.2%. Estimates aim to an annual energy production of 1,213.65 MWh and, in 25 years, MIGASA could prevent the emission of 8,192 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere, which would be equivalent to planting 63,876 trees and taking 83,355 cars off the road. This project is the first in the company’s roadmap in terms of self-consumption and use of clean energy, which contemplates continuing to invest in its other production centers.

“Our admiration and passion for the oil, for the countryside and for the people is what motivates us to work to obtain the best quality oils while taking care of the countryside and natural resources, with initiatives aimed at minimizing environmental impact, such as we are doing it with the “Zero to landfill” seal and now with this commitment to self-consumption and
clean energy”, said Diego Gallego, President of MIGASA.

For his part, José Benjumea, CEO of POWEN, states that “POWEN is proud to be part of MIGASA’s path towards sustainability and self-consumption. By providing clean and efficient energy in all its processes, we will be contributing to the progress of the rural world and to the development of one of the sectors with great weight in the Spanish economy, such as the olive sector”.

Solar energy has become a key element for improving the energy efficiency of any company. With the aim of obtaining a 100% renewable electricity supply that meets the European commitments agreed in the European Strategy 2020, the demand for renewable energy has grown exponentially in recent years. For this reason, companies like MIGASA choose photovoltaic solar energy and do so together with expert companies like POWEN to reduce their environmental impact and contribute to sustainable development.

About MIGASA Group

MIGASA is the leading agri-food company in Andalusia by turnover and the main oil exporter in Spain, with a global presence in more than 120 countries.

This agri-food group headquartered in Dos Hermanas (Seville), world leader in the oil sector, was founded by Miguel Gallego Núñez picking up the family tradition of oil trade that dates to the beginning of the last century.

Currently, it is the leading agri-food company in Andalusia by export volume and markets around 10% of the world share of olive oils and is also relevant in other product ranges.

With more than 60 years of presence in international markets, the company focuses its activity on the agri-food sector, through the production and marketing of olive oil, sunflower oil, olive pomace oil, mayonnaise, sauces, tomatoes, canned vegetables, gazpacho, salmorejo, and all types of vegetable oils and oil-derived fatty acids. Among the brands in its surroundings are Ybarra, La Masía, Musa, Mueloliva, Sandúa, Rafael Salgado, Aceite 1881, Monterreal, Vianeza, Aceites Mestral and Coimbra, among others.

The Andalusian family-based agri-food group MIGASA has nearly 1,200 workers, also contributing to the creation of hundreds of indirect jobs, achieving adequate control of all phases of the process, from selection and production to packaging and commercialization.

Since its origins, the company has maintained the same competitive and dynamic spirit, without losing its hallmarks as a family business. With the third generation already incorporated and the professionalization of the company, the history of MIGASA has been characterized by effort, dedication, investment in innovation and teamwork.

This commitment to its environment is what has allowed it to become the first company in the olive oil sector in Spain in 2021 to obtain the seal “from Waste to Resources: Zero to landfill”, which certifies that more than 95% of the waste they are reintegrated into the industry as secondary raw materials, preventing them from ending up in landfills.

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